Lighthouse Uniforms of Seattle has demonstrated a desire to assist IAFF Union members and Local affiliates in thier pusuit of owning Class A uniforms when their Employer refuses to pay the bill. The "Richland Plan" was developed by and between owner Steve Cohen and Ricky Walsh when the City of Richland refused to consider purchasing Class A uniforms for members of Local 1052 during contract negotiations. This discussion was sparked after Local 1052 members attended a LODD in thier Class C shirts resulting in a feeling of "out of place" with thier Brothers and Sisters from other Locals represented. The plan is simple....agree to pay with a dues assessment over a 6 month period and the uniform payment is without interest and Lighthouse gets one check per month. Since the inception of the plan, the City of Richland has since agreed to a cost share of the uniform. This is why the Ricky Walsh fully endorses Lighthouse Uniform for your Class A uniform needs. Contact either Steve Cohen or Alphonse at 800-426-5225 and visit thier website at www.lighthouseuniforms.com
Thank you Steve.